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Foto do escritorPigeon


Marsupial Lion - Cartoon World

(•)> What film starring The Beatles do you enjoy the most? Did you see Peter Jackson's "Get Back"?

I've seen about half of "Get Back" and loved it! I've been saving the remainder for a rainy day. I'm a sucker for these artist-in-process documentaries; another superb one is Ryuichi Sakamoto: Coda, where you literally watch him go to the ends of the earth for inspiring sounds.

Embarrassingly, I haven't seen any of the Beatles "live action" films. However, I had a highly memorable experience in high school watching their psychedelic animated film, "Yellow Submarine". You can't ever really unsee the Blue Meanies — particularly if viewed from an altered state of consciousness.

(•)> What's your favorite marsupial animal?

Easy, that would be the extinct thylacoleo carnifex, the most famous of the "marsupial lions" of prehistoric Australia. This majestic creature is thought to have had the strongest pound-for-pound bite of any mammal — ever! If I'm not mistaken, they used this incomparable bite strength to hold very large prey in place while they eviscerated them with their claws. Pretty memorable stuff. I thought that was entirely cool enough to name my project after. They were either driven extinct by climate change or early human settling, which I think is worth pondering.

(•)> Are you a fan of The Lion King?

Sure, sure. I was a little kid when the movie came out, so I felt the full force of the marketing on that one. Can anyone truly resist "Circle of Life"? Most memorably, I recall that I "won" a copy of the Lion King VHS through a cereal box giveaway. I can almost remember pulling the little coupon out of the box — but memory gets squirrely as you age, so who knows?

(•)> What pokémon do you like the most? Kangashkan?

I was a Gameboy Color / Pokemon Blue kid — I think I was 11 years old when those games came out in the US, so again, a perfect target. I remember walking on and off the school bus not being able to put that damn thing down. As for my favorite? Probably Mewtwo, just because he seemed so badass and catching him at all was the feather in your cap of the original games. If I recall correctly, he basically just decimated any other Pokemon you battled. Kangaskhan seems pretty great, too — kind of terrifying and adorable at the same time.

(•)> What's your most controversial music opinion?

I think my most controversial music opinion is that pretty much everything you'll ever read about what you're "supposed" to do as an artist and musician in terms of craft, marketing, etc. can be safely disregarded if it doesn't work for you at that juncture of your journey. What do I mean? I mean that if I believed that being a real artist meant playing an instrument for at least X minutes a day, I'd have given up in disgrace a long time ago, because there have been seasons where my discipline was allocated elsewhere. I believe in holding a very flexible conception of your craft so that you maximize the chances that it *stays* your craft forever and the worst doesn't come to pass: you cease creating altogether. Choose your own adventure. Play the long game no matter how much that means departing from conventional musical wisdom. If you love it like I think you love it, all that really matters is never giving up.

(•)> What artist is overrated? And underrated?

I hate to be too quick to call any artist overrated, as virtually any artist I'd describe that way is likely one I've not had the patience to properly explore and understand. I think this only gets more important as you get a bit older and culture starts to evolve underneath your feet. All that said, I think I'd enjoy Post Malone about 10x more if he didn't sound like he was singing into a box fan — I get the impression this began as a very bearable, natural element of his voice that then gets jacked way up in his vocal production. I'm definitely surprised by the massive popularity of that sound.

Underrated? I think Swedish psych-rock legends Dungen should be far, far more popular than they are. Tame Impala fans, take note! In terms of newer voices, I think Flyte are way underrated as performers and songwriters and are about one algorithmic breakthrough away from reaching a wider audience.

(•)> Do you agree with the Pigeon?

Surely not on everything, that would be a miracle. But I like the cut of your jib, mate. Err, bird. Cru cru!

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