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Foto do escritor: PigeonPigeon

1. Cru Cru , super nice to have the chance to chat with you! What first got you into music?

Hello Pigeon, cru cru to you! All 3 of us Stan, Bill and myself having been playing music since we were kids. It’s in our blood. It’s just who we are. By the way this is Price from Roxercat answering these questions!

2. Who came first? The chicken or the Egg?

. I was going to say it’s a paradox but after dwelling on this deep subject, I’m going with the chicken. The chicken was there all along in the egg. That was her home but she grew tired & bored & lonely and eventually decided to burst out of her limited environment. The egg shattered and no longer even existed but the chicken was still there but even cuter than ever as a chick! The chicken wins!

3. What would you do if you had a time machine?

If I had a time machine, I’d go back and find out what exactly happened to Atlantis! I wouldn’t stop there, I’d go back & view all the mysteries in the world when they happened in real time like the pyramids, crop circles, the dinosaurs extinction, the giant heads on Easter Island, etc and so on… Then I’d write songs about them all. They’d be pub songs so that they could be sung in pubs for years to come and passed down from generation to generation and no one would ever argue or wonder again about who built the pyramids or if aliens once walked among us. And they’d sing pub songs in schools to teach history and the kids would love it!

4. What memorable responses have you had to your work?

Well recently Send Me Your Ears compared my singing to Ann Wilson of Heart so I can die happy now. Seriously though, we’ve really had some great reviews and I’m grateful for all of them. Recently we had a more well known magazine reviewer reach out and ask us to send him the EP. I guess that would have to be the most memorable. A review in bigger mag would definitely help us along with our goals

5. Do you think that technology is improving lives?

There’s a dark side to everything, technology included but personally I love technology. I think it depends on the individual to determine if it’s improving lives though. If someone can’t use technology in moderation or if they aren’t good at discerning between fact & fiction then it can be detrimental. It’s a matter of if you control the technology or the technology controls you.

6. Do you have a mentor or coach?

No. I have an old folded piece of paper though that my dad kept in his desk. It’s my inspiration and I read it every now and then when I need a pep talk. Not sure who wrote it but it reads…

Press on. Nothing can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not: unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone is not: The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

7. What’s your favorite 80’s album?

How about my favorite 70’s album… The Beatles “Let It Be” or Pink Floyd “Animals” or Billy Joel “The Stranger” or Crosby Stills Nash & Young “So Far” or Kansas “Point of No Return” or The Rolling Stones “Some Girls” or Led Zeppelin “IV”. Obviously it’s really hard for me to pick a favorite. I’m leaving out so many as it is… As for the 80’s, it ushered in a lot of music where the guitar became less prominent in recordings. Don’t get me wrong, there was some great music released during that time but in general a lot of the mainstream music strayed off from what I really love to listen to.

8.What are you most proud of?

I’d have to say I’m most proud of this new EP we’re about to release. It’s my dream team album. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of musicians, engineer or co-producer to make this record with. It’s been a great experience from start to finish

9. What’s your favorite 00’s album?

"Death Cab For Cutie “Plans” I think they were the first group in the 2000’s that really caught my ear. Love that whole record. Also Laura Veirs “Saltbreakers” released in 2007. Both are on my go to albums playlist when I'm not in a shuffle mood.

10. Do You agree with the Pigeon?

If the pigeon says it’s so, then so it is. HA!

The Pigeon added the new single to his Weekly Gems playlist on Spotify.

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Words by The Pigeon

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This coverage was created via Musosoup


©2023 by Pigeon

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