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Foto do escritor: PigeonPigeon

1. Cru Cru Winchester 7, super nice to finally have the chance to chat with you! What first got you into music?

Hey, Pigeon! Glad to have the opportunity!

Well, Jack, Phil, and I are originally from the same place though we live abroad from one another now. We lived in a sort of tight knit community where music was an important part of the culture. It seemed that everyone played something, each better than the next. So, we were all making music from an early age.

2. Can you tell us a cringe memory of yours?

I had a mullet once. I’m gonna leave it right there and let you imagine that.

3. What’s your favorite bar to drink alcohol?

I like Trader Vic’s in downtown Atlanta, personally. You could say I have a penchant for tiki bars.

4 Will you tell us something embarrassing about you?

I don’t actually know how to play the guitar. I mean, my electric ukulele, may sound like one; but, it’s really just what I know how to play!

5. What’s the best decade for music?

I think that there’s great stuff in most decades. It’s ten years-worth of people making music, so there’s always something decent to listen to. But, I guess I’ll go with the 1960s. It seems to me that rock music really broke free of its early structures and became something more creative then, leading to much of what’s come since.

6. What’s your favorite 1020’s artist?

Um, ok, I had to look that one up. Based on a bit of Googling, I’ll go with Arnold of Saint Emmeram, who it seems composed quite a few, wonderful Benedictine chants.

Now…if you meant the 2020s? Maybe, Starcrawler. They’re play a great show!

7. What’s the best advice you ever gave?

I imagine that the best was something that didn’t occur to me as being particularly brilliant at the time. You know those moments when someone whom you haven’t spoken with in a while tells you that they took your advice and it, hopefully, lead to a positive outcome? Those are gold.

Apparently, I shared with a girl once the trick of lowering your chin when swallowing multiple pills. She’s on a fair amount of medication as a result of a health concern, now, and she swears it helps! So, there’s that…

8. How is your experience as an artist going?

I think that we’re somewhere on the journey of it though I can’t tell you exactly where. A lot of the initial “new” of it has worn off and we’re down to work now, really focusing on the craft. But, we’re usually enjoying ourselves quite a bit too, thank you.

9. What’s your favorite movie?

I think the answer to that changes largely with my mood. At the moment, perhaps, Shaun of the Dead. I love that one! I mean, the zombie thing got pretty saturated, but I can watch that one again and again.

10. Do You agree with the Pigeon?

I expect there’s bound to be something we can agree on. So, probably?

Thanks for having me!

The Pigeon added the new single to his Weekly Gems playlist on Spotify.

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Words by The Pigeon

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This coverage was created via Musosoup


©2023 by Pigeon

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